Hard and Soft Landings:
All Feel the Same on the Initial Descent
TCW CIO of Fixed Income and Generalist Portfolio Manager Bryan Whalen discusses his perspectives and analysis immediately following the FOMC meeting.
Equity investments entail equity risk and price volatility risk. The value of stocks and other equity securities will change based on changes in a company’s financial condition and in overall market and economic conditions.
NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE INVESTORS WHO INVEST THROUGH INTERMEDIARIES Certain unaffiliated intermediaries, including, but not limited to, registered investment advisers, broker-dealers, banks and consultants (each, a “Firm”), may offer/recommend private funds or strategies sponsored by The TCW Group, Inc. and its affiliates (“TCW” and together with the private funds and strategies, the “TCW Accounts”) to Firm clients. The Firm does not receive any compensation from TCW if a client invests in the TCW Account. However, the client may pay the Firm a fee (e.g., advisory fee, consultancy fee, due diligence fee, etc.) and indirectly pays TCW a management fee through the investment in the TCW Account. As a result of this arrangement, a conflict of interest may exist in that the Firm may have an incentive to endorse and make positive statements about TCW. The Firm, its clients or personnel may be or have been invested in vehicles managed, advised, or sponsored by TCW, and the Firm, its clients or personnel or affiliates potentially may invest in such vehicles in the future.
GENERAL DISCLOSURE This material is for general information purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, any security. Any issuers or securities noted in this document are provided as illustrations or examples only, for the limited purpose of analyzing general market or economic conditions and may not form the basis for an investment decision, nor are they intended to serve as investment advice. Any such issuers or securities are under periodic review by the portfolio management group and are subject to change without notice. TCW makes no representation as to whether any security or issuer mentioned in this document is now in any TCW portfolio. TCW, its officers, directors, employees, or clients may have positions in securities or investments mentioned in this publication, which are subject to change without notice. Any information and statistical data contained herein derived from third party sources are believed to be reliable, but TCW does not represent that they are accurate, and they should not be relied on as such or be the basis for an investment decision. All information is as of the date of this presentation unless otherwise indicated.
An investment in the strategy described herein has risks, including the risk of losing some or all of the invested capital. An investor should carefully consider the risks and suitability of an investment strategy based on their own investment objectives and financial position. There is no assurance that the investment objectives and/or trends will come to pass or be maintained. The information contained herein may include preliminary information and/or “forward-looking statements.” Due to numerous factors, actual events may differ substantially from those presented herein. TCW assumes no duty to update any forward-looking statements or opinions in this document. This material comprises the assets under management of The TCW Group, Inc. and its subsidiaries, including TCW Investment Management Company LLC, TCW Asset Management Company LLC, and Metropolitan West Asset Management, LLC. Any opinions expressed herein are current only as of the time made and are subject to change without notice. The investment processes described herein are illustrative only and are subject to change. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. © 2024 TCW